Tag Archives: health

Active Aging. Its never too late…..

ACTIVE AGING- ITS NEVER TOO LATE……. Physical Activity has been shown in many studies to be the KEY FACTOR for a LONG and FULFILLED LIFE and even adding length to your life. Why is exercise important? • 40% of Older People attending GP surgeries report ‘poor mental health’. Being active improves confidence and reduces anxiety… Read More »

You’re never too old to be a 100m world champion!

Enjoy watching this inspiring video of Charles Eugster, who took up sprinting at the age of 95! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/magazine-41039873/charles-eugster-a-world-athletics-champion-at-97   This could be you once you start some Physiotherapy at home! Call us if you want help with starting to exercise and make a plan towards your goals.